Proposed Merger with Westerville
Where can I find more information about the recently announced proposal to merge Harlem Township with the City of Westerville?
A joint website was created specifically for this purpose, to keep residents of both communities informed of the latest updates.  Please check Westerville-Harlem (westervilleharlem.org).
Why is more information about this not available on the Harlem Township website or social media?
Harlem Township currently does not have the staffing levels to handle frequent updates to its website as questions come up and the process evolves.  An easy to navigate site for all information related to this endeavor benefits everyone involved.
How can I stay informed on the latest progress/updates?
The website Westerville-Harlem (westervilleharlem.org) will be the best source of up-to-date information.  Additionally, periodic updates will be sent via email to the township's e-mail distribution list, maintained by the Strategic Planning Committee.  To be added to this e-mail list, please subscribe.
Where can I send comments / suggestions / considerations for the proposed merger?
We are working on creating a specific place for residents to submit suggestions and hope to roll out a platform to do so soon.  Please keep in mind that the residents from Harlem Township working on these efforts are largely volunteers.  In the meantime, feedback can be e-mailed to the Trustees directly, or to SPC@harlemtwp.com.
Strategic Planning Committee
What is the Strategic Planning Committee?
The Strategic Planning Committee is an advisory body that the Trustees commissioned in early 2022 shortly after the Intel announcement, to get ahead of the development challenges the township faces.  It consists of one Trustee, the Zoning Director, a representative of the Zoning Commission, a representative of the Board of Zoning Appeals, three resident-at-large members, and a professional community planning consultant.  The Strategic Planning Committee is an advisory body only and has no legislative authority.  Adoption of any Zoning Regulation changes or other economic development options will follow appropriate procedures for adoption by the Board of Township Trustees, in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code.